Toppo Vulnhub Walkthrough

3 min readAug 29, 2021


  1. Scanning for ports
  2. Nikto scan
  3. accessing machine via ssh
  4. suid privilege escalation

Firstly for finding out the IP I used netdiscover

# netdiscover -i eth0

then I did the nmap scan from which I found out the 3 open ports

# nmap -v -p 22,80,111,60752 -sT -sV -sC -A -O -oN nmap/toppo_initial

from looking at the nmap scan we can say that openssh and apache both are not vulnerable , so I visited 80 port which is simple blog template from bootstrap

then for more information about the webserver I did the nikto scan

# nikto -h -port 80

from nikto scan I find out that there is a directory name admin on webserver with directory indexing

from admin we found out that there is a note file which can be helpful for us

we found out a personal note revealing the password of admin for username I tried ted as its a part of password

# ssh ted@

I created a session with ssh with the credentials we founded

now for privilege escalation I tried finding some files with suid permission on the machine

$ find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

from the given output we found out that python2.7 binary is having suid permissions which can be useful for us

$ python -c “import os; os.execl(‘/bin/bash’,’bash’,’-p’)”

with the above command we were able to get a root shell


# cat /root/flag.txt

